Bagged best paper in writing competition on "Moving Forward: Changing Work needs of nurses. By A an indexed journal of nursing trendz in Sep 2011 |
Bagged best paper in writing competition on Hour to abate Quack Nurses in Various settings of Health care Industry". By A an indexed journal of nursing trendz in April 2012. |
Presented a podium presentation on concepts of qualitative research design and a poster presentation on Approaches of qualitative research in the international conference on qualitative research methods and bagged second best podium presentation on 11.01.10and12.01.10 at Omayal achi college of nursing. |
Presented bagged a best podium presentation by presenting PhD (N) research on A study to devise a module on health promotion to prevent health risk behaviors among adolescents studying in higher secondary schools, Chennai in an international Conference on Mixed method research at Omayal Achi College of nursing in Jan 2012 |
Convener for writing the First Aid book for GNM and Basic BS.c (N) and co author for pediatric nursing book for Basic BSc (N), Post Basic Diploma in critical care nursing and neonatal nursing book, MSc(N) nursing education and advanced nursing practice book. |
Co – Editor for Indexed journal of pediatric nursing by Tamil Nadu Nurses and midwives council. |
Co editor for an indexed journal named surgical nursing Red rose publisher. |
Awarded as Best Nurse Educator By Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai and Karka Kalvi Shudar in 2011. |
Received Best teacher award from Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR medical University, Chennai in 2012. |
Organized State, National and international level seminars, work shop and Conferences, co curricular and extra curricular activities for the students. |
Achievement of Students |
98% overall pass result in Dr.MGR Medical University Examination in Aug 2013 |